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Frequently asked Questions

A digital product is anything that exists in a digital format, such as e-books, software, online courses, digital art, music, and video games. Digital products are convenient, affordable, and accessible to people all over the world.

To download your digital product, click the download link in your email confirmation or account dashboard, choose a save location on your computer, and click Save. Once the download is complete, open the file.

The file format of your digital product will depend on the type of product it is. Common file formats include PDF, EPUB, EXE, MSI, MP3, WAV, MP4, MOV, PNG, JPG, SVG, ZIP, and DOCX.

Can open most digital products on most devices. If unsure, check the product description or contact us.

The system requirements for your digital product will vary depending on the type of product and its features. However, most digital products need Windows, macOS, or Linux operating system; Intel Core i3 or AMD Ryzen 3 or higher processor; 4 GB RAM or higher memory; 10 GB of free disk space or higher; and a broadband internet connection.

Whether or not you can share your digital product with others depends on the product’s license agreement. Some products have single-user licenses, while others have multi-user licenses. Be careful about who you share with and consider using a DRM system to protect your product.

Yes, you may be able to get a refund for your digital product, depending on our refund policy. To find out if you are eligible for a refund, contact us directly.

If you have a problem with your digital product, contact us first. we are able to provide support, updates, or refunds. If you are unable to resolve the problem yourself, contact us for further assistance.

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